NH’s 2025 Kid Governor Inauguration
is in the Books!

Congratulations to NH’s 2025 Kid Governor Jade Adams of Wells Memorial School in Harrisville and her Executive Councilors, who were inaugurated in a ceremony at the NH State House on Tuesday, January 28th! Chief Justice Gordon MacDonald administered the oath of office in front of a packed house, including Governor Kelly Ayotte and other New Hampshire dignitaries. To view a recording of the inauguration ceremony, click here.

Jade Adams is NH’s 2025 Kid Governor

Congratulations to Jade Adams of Wells Memorial School in Harrisville, NH’s 2025 Kid Governor! We can’t wait to work with Jade on her platform to make NH the 13th state to ban animal testing. She will be inaugurated on January 28, 2025, at the NH State House, along with her Executive Council members: Evelyn P. (Maple Street School, Hopkinton), Glen L. (Lancaster Elementary School, Lancaster), Ainsley G. (Maple Street Magnet School, Rochester), Grace G. (Bicentennial Elementary School, Nashua), Jack T. (North Salem Elementary, Salem), and Vivian K. (Jackson Grammar School, Jackson).
You can watch the big announcement held on November 19th at Jade’s School here. We’re looking forward to an exciting year with this inspiring group of young people!
Introducing the Candidates for New Hampshire’s 2025 Kid Governor

Congratulations to the seven finalists and a huge thank you to all of the student nominees and their teachers for all of their hard work!
Click on each candidate’s name to watch their campaign video:
Ainsley (Maple Street Magnet School, Rochester)
Evelyn (Maple Street School, Hopkinton)
Glen (Lancaster Elementary School, Lancaster)
Jack (North Salem Elementary School, Salem)
Grace (Bicentennial Elementary School, Nashua)
Jade (Harrisville Wells Memorial School, Harrisville)
Vivian (Jackson Grammar School, Jackson)
Congratulations to New Hampshire’s
2024 Kid Governor Ellie Lively
and her Executive Council!

Representatives Hall at the NH State House was the backdrop for the January 9th inauguration of NH’s 2024 Kid Governor Ellie Lively of Bicentennial Elementary School in Nashua, and her Executive Council. Governor Chris Sununu welcomed the newly-inducted leaders with a tour of his office and some words of advice.
You can watch the inauguration ceremony here.
Eleanore “Ellie” Lively Elected
NH’s 2024 Kid Governor

Congratulations to Eleanore “Ellie” Lively, NH’s 2024 Kid Governor! We can’t wait to work with Ellie on her platform to prevent animal abuse in New Hampshire.
She will be inaugurated on January 9, 2024, at the NH State House, along with her Executive Council members: Parker F. (Maple Street School, Hopkinton), Hattie H. (Edward Fenn Elementary, Gorham), Zoey H. (Maple Street Magnet School, Rochester), Jack R. (Saint Christopher Academy, Nashua), Noah S. (Oyster River Middle School, Durham), and Levi W. (Beaver Meadow School, Concord).
You can watch the surprise announcement held on November 20 at Ellie’s School here. We’re looking forward to a wonderful year with these outstanding young people!
Introducing the Candidates for New Hampshire’s 2024 Kid Governor

Congratulations to the seven finalists and a huge thank you to all of the student nominees and their teachers for all of their hard work!
Click on each candidate’s name to watch their campaign video:
Hattie H. (Edward Fenn Elementary, Gorham)
Jack R. (Saint Christopher Academy, Nashua)
Ellie (Bicentennial Elementary School, Nashua)
Noah S. (Oyster River Middle School, Durham)
Parker F. (Maple Street School, Hopkinton)
Levi W. (Beaver Meadow School, Concord)
Zoey H. (Maple Street Magnet School, Rochester)
Congratulations to New Hampshire’s 2023 Kid Governor Haydin Simmons and her Executive Council!

It was an inspiring day at the State House as 2023 New Hampshire’s Kid Governor Haydin Simmons and her Executive Council were officially sworn in. Thank you to Governor Chris Sununu for hosting us, and congratulations to 2022 Kid Governor Charlotte Cotti on an amazing year of service!
Oyster River Fifth Graders Cast Their Ballots
for New Hampshire’s 2023 Kid Governor

Introducing the candidates for New Hampshire’s 2023 Kid Governor
Congratulations to the seven finalists and a huge thank you to all of the student nominees and their teachers for all of their hard work!

New Hampshire Kid Governor 2022 Announcement Video

Introducing the candidates for 2022 New Hampshire Kid Governor!

Voting Kits, coming to a New Hampshire’s Kid Governor school near you!
New Hampshire’s Kid Governor teachers will be receiving voting kits complete with three books, a voting booth, voting box, bookmarks, and I Voted stickers.
We are so grateful to Grappone Automotive for their financial support and to their drivers who will be delivering the voting kits all over the state over the next few weeks.

Congratulations to Hannah Ahern, Our Poster Contest Winner!

After reviewing over 25 submissions, NHKG Charlie and the Kid Executive Council are pleased to announce Hannah Ahern of Pollard Elementary School as the winner! Hannah’s poster will be on display in all 49 classrooms that participated in the New Hampshire’s Kid Governor Program. Charlie stopped by Hannah’s classroom virtually to congratulate her.

You Don’t Have to Do this Alone – Poster Contest

New Hampshire’s Kid Governor Charlie and his executive council are pleased to announce this poster contest!
Contest Rules:
All entries must be received by April 23, 2021. Original hard copies will be requested from contest winners.
- Open to all NH 5th graders
- Art must be on 8.5 x 11 paper
- Color pencils, crayons, and markers permitted
- Bold colors look best
- Must include NHKG Charlie’s “You Don’t Have To Do This Alone” platform
- Must be entrant’s original, hand-drawn creation
- Entrant’s name and school should be printed in pencil on the back of the poster
- Must include permission and art description
- Artwork (scan or photograph) and completed Permission Form must be emailed or shared with nh.kidgovernor@gmail.com via Google Drive.
Permission Form
Google Doc: This form can be completed using Google Drive. Simply click the link, go to “File,” select “Make A Copy” or “Download,” and complete page 3. In light of COVID-19 and students working from home, original signatures are not required on the Permission Form. A typed parent or guardian name is acceptable.
Selection of the Winners
NH’s Kid Governor Charlie, his Executive Council, and the NH’s Kid Governor team will select seven finalists and one winner. The finalists and winner will be announced via the NH’s Kid Governor website. The winner will be announced via a Zoom meeting with NH’s Kid Governor Charlie. The winning poster will be placed in schools and libraries.
Inauguration Day 2021
Watch 2021 NHKG Charlie’s inauguration ceremony at the NH Supreme Court!
Congratulations to our 2021 New Hampshire’s Kid Governor-Elect
See pictures and video from the day of the surprise announcement at Charlie’s school here!
We Need Your Help!
Please join NH’s 2020 Kid Governor, Suzy Brand, in collaboration with Friends of Forgotten Children and the Community Action Program, provide 1000 Activity Bags to children with limited resources in towns and cities throughout New Hampshire. During this pandemic, we want to provide new or very gently used items like: books, coloring books, outdoor toys, puzzles, crayons, and games for school-aged children to use during summer vacation. You can help Suzy by dropping off items to Friends of Forgotten Children at 224 Bog Road in Concord. Donations can be dropped off on Wednesdays from 9:00 – 3:00. Bags will be filled and distributed mid July. Thank you for supporting this drive!
New Hampshire’s Kid Governor Suzy and her Outdoor Summer Drive!
Suzy’s drive for outdoor summer fun items was a success! Thank you so much to everyone who donated! All items will be given to kids in Concord with limited resources.

Inauguration Day 2020
Watch the inauguration ceremony of 2020 New Hampshire’s Kid Governor Suzy Brand from January 17, 2020 at the New Hampshire State House!
Congratulations to our 2020 New Hampshire’s Kid Governor-Elect Suzy!

Watch the surprise announcement on Facebook!
2019 Statewide Election Candidates

- Ameya – College and Career Awareness
- Calvin – Pollinator Loss
- J.T. – Save the Sea Turtles
- Kasey – Bullying
- Nina – Catie’s Closet
- Patrick – Underage Tobacco Use
- Suzy – Children’s Health and Time Outdoors
You can watch all of the candidate videos HERE.
Be sure to send us photos of your class participating in the Statewide Election using #NHKGvotes2019 on social media or via email at nh.kidgovernor@gmail.com!
NHKG Lola Hosts LSR 2020-2085 Information Session

NHKG Lola is still busy working on her platform to end animal cruelty! On Tuesday, October 29 at Nashua City Hall, she held an information session on how bills become law. She specifically discussed her support for Legislative Service Request (LSR) 2020-2085, which would prohibit the sale of cats, dogs, and rabbits in retail stores.
2019 G.I.R.L. Expo

NHKG Lola participated in the 2019 G.I.R.L. Expo for girls ages 5 to 18 and their families. She shared information about the Kid Governor program and her platform to end animal cruelty, and taught attendees how to make dog toys out of t-shirts.
Support 2019 NHKG Lola’s Helping Animals Platform
New Hampshire’s Kid Governor Lola has created a tutorial video for making dog toys out of t-shirts! You can make the toys for your dogs at home or donate them to your local SPCA.
The Kid Governor Library

The Kid Governor® Library features books about civics, government, and voting that will enable you to connect Kid Governor lessons with your English Language Arts curriculum. The Library also includes books that the current Kid Governors and staff from across the country enjoy! Check it out today!

New Hampshire’s Kid Governor® is a national award-winning statewide civics program created by the Connecticut Democracy Center (CTDC), formerly the Connecticut Public Affairs Network (CPAN). New Hampshire’s Kid Governor is led by NH Civics, in partnership with the New Hampshire Institute of Politics (NHIOP).

New Hampshire’s Kid Governor® is thankful for the generous support of NEA-NH.